

I work with organizations of all sizes, and they all benefit from their investment in these efforts.

Large companies routinely use research & advanced analytical techniques to improve their bottom lines. I have worked directly with Fortune 100 companies such as: Citibank, MasterCard, Merrill Lynch, and IBM. I have also worked with large research suppliers on the basis of the unique value and/or added capacity that I provide.

Smaller companies also benefit from the application of these methods, however, they usually do not have access to these techniques and resources. Furthermore, they need help in applying the results for bottom-line impact. As the technologies required to provide these services have improved and their costs have come down, experienced practitioners are now able to apply these techniques to challenges at all levels. 

   – Private Schools Use Survey Research to Address Enrollment & Fundraising Challenges

   – Jewish Reform Temples Use Survey Methods to Clarify Goals and Priorities & to Refine Fundraising Efforts

   – Charitable Organizations Use Survey Methods to Clarify and Refine Mission, Goals, & Methods to be Developed to Reach their Goals

Almost any organization that wants to acquire, retain, win back, or grow customers can benefit from the application of survey research to their challenges. Please feel free to contact me to see how Analytical Marketing Research can improve your bottom-line.

MOST IMPORTANT: The reason that large companies can take advantage of these services is that they view them as INVESTMENTS, as opposed to costs. Given my flexible and variable pricing, if the results are applied to your business challenges, they will result in a significant return on your investment. If I don’t think so, I will not recommend proceeding.

 Click here for a list of previous projects to get an idea of the range of possibilities

Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to discuss how research and data can be used to address your organizational challenges.